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Frequently Asked Questions: Grass Trimmers and Brushcutters

Take a look at the most commonly asked questions about McCulloch grass trimmers. If you can't find what you are looking for take a look at our 'How-To' page or please don't hesitate to contact us here at McCulloch!

My trimmer line seems to break off easily what's wrong?

This happens when the line ages and "dries out". To help combat this, either purchase fresh line or you can soak your line in water for several days. This will re-hydrate the line making it less brittle and less susceptible to breakage.

How to clean and inspect spark plug for my trimmer?

Disconnect the spark plug lead. Then, clean the area around the spark plug to avoid getting debris in the combustion chamber when you remove the plug.

Clean oily deposits from the plug with a stiff tooth brush and spray-on plug cleaner.

Check that the centre electrode is square and is gapped according to the owner’s manual. Reinstall plug being careful not to over tighten.

If you would like to purchase a new spark plug, make sure to have the model number, serial number and product ID of the equipment before contacting your local Authorised sales and service dealer. The correct spark plug type must be used or engine damage may occur.